Is Email Marketing Still a Good Strategy?

For a long time, email marketing came to be seen as something intrusive and insistent by companies. But, with the evolution of digital marketing, this channel has become an efficient way to communicate with customers and potential customers.

It allows the right messages to reach the right people at the most appropriate time. Furthermore, it is a democratic tool, as users access it if they are interested.

Because more than 90% of internet users have an email, email marketing has become a very efficient way to grow business.

The secret is knowing how to use it, when to do it and what type of content should be sent.

Through personalization, sending this type of email can be a way to maintain a relationship with the customer and get closer to them.

Composite image of laptop, notebook and coffee on a desk with contact icons

Furthermore, it is an excellent way to avoid falling into oblivion, building loyalty among those who have already purchased from a certain brand.

For potential customers, it is a way to go through the sales funnel with them, empowering them.

In this article, we will talk about what email marketing is, why it is important and the main strategies to use to build loyalty.

What is email marketing?

E-mail marketing is a strategy within digital marketing, which is based on communication between a company and its customers or leads.

It can be done through segmentation of contacts, along with strategies that aim to personify messages.

Some of the marketing emails most sent by companies are:

  • Newsletter;
  • Purchase confirmation;
  • Promotions;
  • Product offering.
  • In the past, it was seen as a digital way of just advertising, turning into a mass communication channel, with little or no relevant messages.

Because of this, organizations concerned about their reputation and their customers, such as a construction and construction licensing company, began to see email marketing as an invasive communication.

However, due to its evolution, the best digital marketing professionals see this type of email as one of the most personal ways of communicating between company and customer, exchanging messages directly.

The importance of email marketing
E-mail marketing has become one of the best options for companies that collect e-mail, in order to increase their relevance to the public. It is important because it brings advantages such as:

Greater Reach

Practically all internet users have an email address and all actions carried out by users are concentrated there.

And with so many people connected, email marketing allows for greater reach of the target audience.

Range Predictability

When a company publishes something on social networks, not all users will see this publication, due to a selection made by the algorithms of these social networks.

Therefore, the reach of a post is never predictable, taking control of the number of publications away from companies. With email marketing, it’s the opposite.

It offers predictable reach, for example, if a restaurant that offers on-site food selects 50 email addresses, they will all receive the message.

Flexible Format

The email is very flexible because there is no character limit and can even contain images and gifs.

In addition, it can also include graphic elements, giving the impression of a personal message.

Messages can also be short and with as many links as needed or even be longer. It doesn’t matter, email marketing will always have the size and format that the company wants.

Good Financial Return

This type of email offers an excellent financial return, as a buffet that offers coffee breaks for 100 people or any other company only needs a domain, an email marketing tool and someone to take care of this strategy.

It is important to choose a good email marketing tool. To do this, simply choose one of the different options that can be found on the internet. They meet the most diverse needs of the market.

Even choosing the best of them, the investment is never high, which results in an excellent financial return from the use of email marketing.

In addition to this benefit, it brings several others, such as:

  • Engage leads;
  • Promote content;
  • Nurture leads;
  • Sell;
  • Improve relationships with consumers.
  • Being aware of what e-mail marketing is, its importance and the advantages it brings, it is important to know some of the main application strategies.

Main email marketing strategies

E-mail marketing can be used for various purposes, one of the main ones being customer loyalty and opinion research about products and services.

It can help a brand generate true fans by making use of retargeting campaigns.

These campaigns do not result in immediate sales, but they strengthen the relationship with the customer.

To achieve this, some customer loyalty strategies through email marketing are:

Professional email marketing application
Before even creating a campaign, it is necessary to use an email marketing tool.

There are many software available, allowing an executive transfer company to choose the one that best suits its needs.

Prepare a shipping calendar
To build loyalty the right way, it is essential to prepare a shipping calendar. To do this, the company must set a time and date, so that it can work on campaigns consciously.

It is wrong to flood the customer’s inbox with messages, if one per month or every 15 days is enough.

In the case of a monthly email, the company must highlight everything that was relevant during that period. And in the case of months with special dates, such as birthdays, Christmas, New Year, among others, it is common to send more than one email.

Event News

Sending a newsletter is convenient and interesting, however, automatic emails that share information of interest to the customer can also be sent.

For example, a TV maintenance company can also personalize the email, in addition to sending reminders a few days before an event.

To do this, simply add the details in the events section of the website.

Never Send Spam

An essential part of email marketing strategies is to never send spam. Emails can only be sent to legitimate customers and people who have permitted these emails.

A good tip is, when planning the email that will be sent, to check whether it looks more like a message or spam, if you received it.

Within loyalty there is also a very important strategy related to customers’ opinion about the product or service offered, as in the case of accessories for 29-inch bicycles.

Ask the customer for their opinion about the product or service
Companies can ask their customers for their opinions on different platforms, such as social media, Google and even on the company’s own website.

The modern consumer, before purchasing any product or service, seeks other people’s opinions.

With this, they compare what the brand says about itself with what other consumers say.

For example, a consumer who had a great experience with a small cargo transportation company may be directed to the website, social media profile or Google through email marketing to leave their opinion.

This customer will certainly speak highly of the company because of their positive experience and also because they felt that the company cares about their opinion.

Consumer experience must be a priority

Obviously, the goal of any brand is to sell its product or service. However, purchasing is not the first thing that matters to today’s consumer.

This happens because, firstly, he wants to have access to relevant and informative content.

For a brand to be able to offer this content, it must have a segmented audience, separated into leads (potential customers), visitors and customers.

These groups have different needs, and it is the role of the company, such as a building painting firm, to understand the needs to deliver the ideal email marketing experience.

Some content that can be conveyed in these emails is:

  • Explanatory videos;
  • Launch of new products;
  • Memes for those who abandoned their cart;
  • Ask for opinions on products and services.
  • Through this content conveyed in email marketing, the audience’s experience improves considerably, helping to build loyalty.

The customer starts to see the email as something good and feels like an exclusive sender.

Regardless of the content, it must contain elements that are important to the reader.

This is because email marketing wants more than just selling and gaining new customers.

It aims to gain the trust and loyalty of consumers, bringing them closer and, therefore, improving the number of sales.

This text was originally developed by the Guia de Investimento blog team, where you can find hundreds of informative content on different segments.

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